Wednesday, September 24, 2008

fringe--i give up

fringe pretty much sucks. aside from better writing and scripts that arent lifted from the x-files and changed just enough to be explained by science instead of the paranormal--fire joshua jackson and the guy who plays the dad. get jeroen krabbe in as the doctor and shift kirk acevedo's character over to be dunham's partner. dunham's okay, she's a little too intense. i blame that on direction.

yes, so new directors, mostly new leads, and new writers. that should fix this show.


Tk said...

That's so weird - I gave up on True Blood, but am starting to get into Fringe. I like the guy who plays the father, but he need's to get less crazy already. The script needs to get into a groove, and then the show might improve.

rosanne said...

really? i guess i could give it another shot. it's not like there's anything else on tuesdays at 9.